A glimpse into our Charlotte Mason homeschool life, with a touch of FlyLady, seasoned with menu plans, and spiced with product reviews.
- Artist Study
- Bible
- Composer Study
- Crafting
- Folk Songs
- Hymn Study
- Nature Study
- Poetry Study
- Product Reviews
- Menu Mondays
- Tuesday Tidbits
- Wednesday Words
- Think Back Thursday
- Friday Wrap-Ups
- 100 Verses
- Giveaways!
- Blog Cruise
- Geneology
- George Washington's Rules
- Efraimson Family
- Hall Family
- Walker Family
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Blogging through the Alphabet - The Letter G
Today's blogging through the alphabet is brought to you by the letter "G".
In my life, G is for grapes, red, seedless, and crisp.
G is for grass, which has been reseeded and is growing well in my front yard.
G is for grains, which Primal Blueprint and Paleo diets say I should give up, and I'm struggling with that.
G is for green, which describes most everything growing outside my door these days.
G is for garden, which will soon be growing with vegetables in the sun.
G is for groceries, which we buy every week.
G is for grill, where we are starting to cook our food.
G is for Great Week! Which I hope you have!
Monday, April 29, 2013
George Washington's Rules for Civility and Decent Behavior
I have always loved George
Washington's Rules for Civility and Decent Behavior, and I have decided
to try to post weekly the "Rule for the Week". I will just go through
the rules, post them, and translate them into modern language. This is week 2.
The first rule is:
Which means:
The first rule is:
Which means:
Menu Monday - 4/29/13
Since Easter I have been posting Primal Blueprint-friendly recipes. I know this will sound like I'm waffling, but I just don't see how a high animal fat diet can be good for me. I admit, I haven't had time to read much of the book, but I just don't see how I can agree with a philosophy that early man ate a meat/plant based diet, but I need to cut out grains, root vegetables and legumes. Hunh? I mean, they are plants too, right? And what's up with differentiating between white potatoes = bad; yams = good? I just see that they have different contents. I understand that certain starchy foods spike the blood sugar more than other foods, but I'm not loving the change I made in March.
I think I need moderation.
So, tonight I ate pizza. The rest of this week I'm going back to vegan, but am trying to plan the meat meal, and just find a non-meat solution for myself quietly on the side. That said, here's my plan. I don't have all the vegan choices figured out. It is what it is.
Pizza. My carnivore husband won. Served with salad.
Beef vegetable soup; salad; bread (non primal option: Lentil Soup)
Grilled chicken; noodles; broccoli (leftover vegetables from last week's potroast)
Black beans and rice; salad
Tacos, burritos, salad
turkey cutlets. potatoes, green beans
ravioli, sauce, Texas toast (gnocchi), salad
Breakfasts and Lunches:
Breakfasts are back to oatmeal and blueberries; lunches are predominantly leftovers.
I think I need moderation.
So, tonight I ate pizza. The rest of this week I'm going back to vegan, but am trying to plan the meat meal, and just find a non-meat solution for myself quietly on the side. That said, here's my plan. I don't have all the vegan choices figured out. It is what it is.
Pizza. My carnivore husband won. Served with salad.
Beef vegetable soup; salad; bread (non primal option: Lentil Soup)
Grilled chicken; noodles; broccoli (leftover vegetables from last week's potroast)
Black beans and rice; salad
Tacos, burritos, salad
turkey cutlets. potatoes, green beans
ravioli, sauce, Texas toast (gnocchi), salad
Breakfasts and Lunches:
Breakfasts are back to oatmeal and blueberries; lunches are predominantly leftovers.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
George Washington's Rules
I have always loved George Washington's Rules for Civility and Decent Behavior, and I have decided to try to post weekly the "Rule for the Week". I will just go through the rules, post them, and translate them into modern language.
The first rule is:
Which means:
The first rule is:
Which means:
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Blogging Through the Alphabet - The Letter "F"
This week's letter for Blogging Through the Alphabet is the Letter F.
What do you think of when you think of the Letter F? Well, in my life right now I am thankful that
F is for Flowers. I'm thankful every day for the new flowers that are breaking out all over the place.
And in light of recent events in my country against citizens, I think F is for Freedom.
And with my love of heritage, my one last thought would be that F is for Family.
That tall one in the middle is my Grandma Dora. My Great-Grandma Bessie Mitchell is to her right. This photo was taken about 1920.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate my readers.
What do you think of when you think of the Letter F? Well, in my life right now I am thankful that
F is for Flowers. I'm thankful every day for the new flowers that are breaking out all over the place.
And in light of recent events in my country against citizens, I think F is for Freedom.
And with my love of heritage, my one last thought would be that F is for Family.
That tall one in the middle is my Grandma Dora. My Great-Grandma Bessie Mitchell is to her right. This photo was taken about 1920.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate my readers.
Blogging Through the Alphabet - The Letter E
E is for Eggs.
E is for Eggplant.
E is for Elephant.
E is for Electricity.
E is for etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... Ha! Ha! Ha! Happy Tuesday everyone!
Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window...
it is cloudy today. The squirrel has been teasing my dog through the sliding glass door, and the birds were eating at the bird feeder above. The squirrel is gone now, and the feeder has only a sparrow feeding currently.
I am thinking...
about how much I have to do, and what needs to get done when.
I am thankful...
that I sold some home school materials recently so that I have some money to spend at MACHE this weekend to get some materials we need for school next year.
In the kitchen...
the supplies are ready and waiting for asparagus soup tonight. I still need to take the French bread out of the freezer for tonight.
I am wearing...
my pjs. Three minutes til I get up and go grab my shower.
I am creating...
flannel baby blankets for Online Angels. I also crocheted a newborn baby hat on Sunday.
I am going...
to Arizona for a vacation soon.
I am wondering...
if the current sequester issues will cause us any trouble when we fly.
I am reading...
Papa's Pearls (watch for the upcoming review). Almost finished, and then I will be reading Learning in Spite of Labels. Oh, also reading The Primal Blueprint. (Not to mention that I am reading out loud A Wrinkle in Time; Amos Fortune, Free Man; Our America . . . The King Philip's War Adventure; George Washington Carver; and ever so many other home school books.)
I am hoping...
slightly warmer weather, and an extended spring (instead of winter, winter, winter, summer!).
I am looking forward to...
getting some new home school materials for next year.
Around the house...
cleaned some in the master bedroom yesterday. My husband said, "When did we get the new furniture?" ... a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that he hadn't seen the furniture in ever-so-long because of the piles of stuff on it before...
I am pondering...
my daughter #2's beau, and her upcoming wedding.
A favorite quote for today...
“Making your Bed is the "Shiny Sink" of your Bedroom.”
My husband got into bed last night and said he felt like he was in a hotel. Bed made, fresh sheets... The only thing missing was the mint on the pillow!
One of my favorite things...
Ben and Jerry's Vanilla Heath Bar Ice Cream.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
- Laundry today and Friday.
- Ship one book today to buyer;
- Work on scheduled upcoming blog posts, one post of a review due next week.
- Work on student schedule for son to follow of school work;
- Next week's menu plan and shopping list;
- 2 hours yard work - finish getting the leaves up;
- Sew the rest of the baby blankets;
- Finish A Wrinkle in Time and The Hobbit this week.
- Update summary for home school review.
Shower (now); pre-Algebra; Bible; Hobbit; Wrinkle in Time; Lunch; doctor's appointment, Book of Marvels.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Menu Monday, 4/22/13

My primal/(carnivore) blend menu plan for this week:
Beef Shish Kabobs with added beef (rice), avacado/romaine salad
Asparagus Soup, salad, (bread)
Primal Pot Roast (potatoes), celery, carrots, parsnips
cheese burgers, salad (rolls)
Pork Chops in Creamy sauce, green beans (noodles)
Salmon, yams, Brussels sprouts
Lemon chicken, broccoli (, orzo), salad
Friday, April 19, 2013
The Hobbit Study Guide - A Schoolhouse Crew Review
In March I learned that I would be receiving The Hobbit Study Guide by Progeny Press to review as a part of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew. This was very exciting to me. I am (loosely) following Ambleside Online, and The Hobbit was on my reading list for this term. What a great fit!
Timeline Builder App - A TOS Homeschool Crew Review
Back in March I was tickled to learn I had been selected to review an app by Knowledge Quest called the TimelineBuilder iPad APP.
Now having an iPad is still relatively new to me.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
A Little About Me
Here’s a few quick trivia questions to help you learn a little bit more about me!
Have you ever:
Gone on a blind date? No.Skipped school? Umm, yes.
Been lost? Yes, driving.
Swam in the ocean? Yes; Atlantic Ocean.
Sang karaoke? No.
Paid for a meal with coins only? Not that I recall.
Made prank phone calls? Oh yes, long long ago.
Baked a turkey? Many
Been kissed under the mistletoe? Yes. Silly traditions.
Watched the sun rise? Yes. I'm a morning person. My childhood home the sun would rise at the front of the house; it was beautiful.
Sat outside in the rain? Yes.
Lived one of your dreams? Yes.
Eaten just cookies/dessert for dinner? No.
What is your favorite:
Beverage? Mocha from S-bucksVacation spot? Right now it's Chincoteague, VA.
TV show? Dr. Who
Movie? I like too many to have one favorite.
Holiday? Independence Day
Sport? For doing or for watching? Well, for doing I guess it is currently walking, which is as close as I come to doing.
Dessert? Most things chocolate.
Food? Rib Eye Steak
Time of day? Early morning before anyone else gets up.
Season? Spring. Everything is coming to life!
So that's me. What about you?
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Blogging Through the Alphabet - The Letter D
Our America.... The Pilgrim Adventure
Several months ago I was contacted by an author, Susan Kilbride, who asked me to review some books she has written. This is the first review. The book is titled Our America.... The Pilgrim Adventure...
My son and I just finished a one-year time-travel adventure with Finn and Ginny, enduring the Pilgrims' first year in Plimouth Plantation.
Menu Monday -- 4/15/13

Here's my dinner menu for this week. For the most part the non-paleo choices are in parentheses.
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans
soup, salad, (bread)
Grilled Chicken, broccoli (rice)
Cheeseburgers, (rolls) fresh veggies
pork chops, (noodles) Brussels Sprouts
Spaghetti (squash) and meatballs, salad (TX toast)
Lemon chicken, yams, spinach
Friday, April 12, 2013
Salem Ridge Press: A Schoolhouse Crew Review
Have you heard of Salem Ridge Press?
I'm not sure when I first learned of Salem Ridge Press. What I do know is that I've enjoyed what I have read. Salem Ridge Press was kind enough to send me a copy of The American Twins of the Revolution, which I read to my son
Blogging Through the Alphabet -- The Letter C
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Blogging Through the Alphabet - The Letter B
This week, Blogging Through the Alphabet is brought to you by the Letter B.
Don't know why, but this one is dragging for me. I tried to brainstorm in advance, but still Monday came and went and I wasn't ready, and it's almost Monday again (Letter C day).
Okay, for my week, B is for Banana;
B is for Blueberries;
B is for Bluejay who came to visit briefly and I barely got a photograph of him;
B is for bowling balls stacked three high (can you figure out how it was done?)
B is for a brown dog.
B is for bananas
and broccoli.
B is for Bible.
And B is for Books.
This blog entry has been brought to you by the letter B.
Supercharged Science - A TOS Homeschool Crew Review
In March I was delighted to receive access to Supercharged Science's e-Science program. The Homeschool Review Crew members selected received access to the entire e-Science program for 12 months.
I have long been a fan of Supercharged Science. Through the years, at times I have subscribed to their service. I have a very science-oriented child, and I really want to help him to succeed in his goals in life. I also want to nurture the excitement he has over discovering new scientific phenomena. So this program is a perfect fit for my family.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Menu Monday - 4/8/13
Time for another menu plan.
Let's see... Last week's menu plan got messed up. Saturday of the week before we ended up eating out, so that meal got bumped to Monday (chicken). Then I also asked my hubby to buy one pound of ground beef instead of three, so there went the meat loaf. And he didn't like the price of the fish, so there went Friday. On Wednesday I went to make hamburgers only to find the roll of ground beef still frozen solid, so leftovers Wednesday and burgers bumped to Thursday. Don't know if there was a single day where we ate as planned, but plans can be rearranged, no harm in that.
So here I go to try again. I am writing this on Friday, even though I don't post until Monday. Already my plans may change because hubby is hinting at eating out on Saturday, so we'll see. But I plan on Friday, we shop on Saturday, and the plans post on Monday on Menu Monday on OrgJunkie.com, so that's why I don't post them til Monday, even though they start on Saturday!...
Here goes. Predominantly Primal, with non-primal options in parentheses (for my non-primal family members):
Sunday: Steak fajita salad [link is to chicken; substitute steak] (tortillas, chips)
Monday: Roast chicken, broccoli, salad (stuffing)
Tuesday: Wedding Soup, salad (biscuits)
Wednesday: chicken fingers (substitute almond flour), green beans (potatoes)
Thursday: Swedish Meatballs, (egg noodles,) Brussels sprouts
Friday: Garlic Dill Salmon, asparagus, grilled eggplant, mashed sweet potatoes
Saturday: Balsamic Chicken, sauteed spinach, (French fries)
Friday, April 5, 2013
Think Back Thursday: Herbert, Herbert, Herbert, and Bruce
FOR SALE: Clearing some shelf space
Horizon's Math Teacher's Guide, Grade 5 - $10
Horizon's Math Teacher's Guide, Grade 6 - $12
Horizon's Penmanship Teacher's Guide, Grade 3 - $7
(I can throw in, for free, partially used student book);
First Grade Latin:
Latin Primer, Book 1, by Martha Wilson, Teacher's Edition ($4);
Latin Primer, Book 1, by Martha Wilson, Textbook ($4);
Latin Grammar, Book 1, by Douglas Wilson (water damaged) ($2);
3rd Grade Latin:
Latina Christiana 1, complete set, unused (contains DVD set, pronunciation CD, Teacher's manual, student book) $49.00
Vocabulary from Latin:
Vocabulary from Classical Roots, book D - $ 5.00
Bridge to the Latin Road (Grammar program by Bridge to Latin) (may have writing on just a few pages... or less) - $50.00
BJU English for Christian Schools 7, TE; $4
BJU English 10 Test Bank (1990); $4
BJU English 11 Test Bank (1990); $4
Managers of Their Homes, nearly new (opened, read, used, "tic-tac" missing), not written in - $25;
Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks book, like new - $7.00;
Polished Cornerstones (new, barely even looked at) - $25.00
Please consider buying from me used/new before buying full price/new at the curriculum fair.
I accept checks/Paypal. Buyer pays actual shipping. I negotiate prices. Thanks for reading.
Horizon's Math Teacher's Guide, Grade 6 - $12
Horizon's Penmanship Teacher's Guide, Grade 3 - $7
(I can throw in, for free, partially used student book);
First Grade Latin:
Latin Primer, Book 1, by Martha Wilson, Teacher's Edition ($4);
Latin Primer, Book 1, by Martha Wilson, Textbook ($4);
Latin Grammar, Book 1, by Douglas Wilson (water damaged) ($2);
3rd Grade Latin:
Latina Christiana 1, complete set, unused (contains DVD set, pronunciation CD, Teacher's manual, student book) $49.00
Vocabulary from Latin:
Vocabulary from Classical Roots, book D - $ 5.00
Bridge to the Latin Road (Grammar program by Bridge to Latin) (may have writing on just a few pages... or less) - $50.00
BJU English for Christian Schools 7, TE; $4
BJU English 10 Test Bank (1990); $4
BJU English 11 Test Bank (1990); $4
Managers of Their Homes, nearly new (opened, read, used, "tic-tac" missing), not written in - $25;
Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks book, like new - $7.00;
Polished Cornerstones (new, barely even looked at) - $25.00
Please consider buying from me used/new before buying full price/new at the curriculum fair.
I accept checks/Paypal. Buyer pays actual shipping. I negotiate prices. Thanks for reading.
Nature Study - Slate

My son and I have done some nature studies that have not gotten blogged. So I'm sorry about that. I don't know if those will ever get blogged. But here is yesterday's nature walk.
Begin with the information that my son saved up and purchased a metal detector. It is a current passion with him, and he took it on our nature walk. Yesterday I don't think his mind was on slate or moss, lichens or flowers, birds or squirrels. He walked with metal detector in one hand, shovel in the other, seeking stray coins in Rock Creek Park.
Back to our nature study. I am a subscriber to the Outdoor Hour Challenge, and there was recently a post on slate. I groaned. "I don't know of any slate near here! I don't want to take a field trip to great falls to find slate! That one is just going to have to slide..." Or so I thought.
We headed to our local nature center to take a nice walk. I had in mind working on some Boy Scout advancement requirements in son's book. He is almost a Tenderfoot. Happy we were to find that the nature center has a flag pole. Sad as it is, we've been trying for months and months to get an opportunity for my son to complete a book requirement to raise and lower a flag, fold a flag, and learn about proper ways to display the flag. (He hasn't quite gotten the idea, yet, that his Boy Scout Handbook is a wealth of information.)
I approached the site's naturalist, and she was delighted to permit us to use the flag pole to complete his requirements. First we sat in the nature center and read the appropriate section in his hand book about proper handling and display of the flag. Then we went outside to raise and lower the flag(s) (state flag there too). Sadly, my camera's battery had gone dead on my first attempt to snap a photograph, and I didn't remember to use my cell phone until later in our day, so no photos. Besides, there were only the two of us, so no third person to take the photos.
That done, we took off hiking on the nature trails. Imagine my surprise and delight when I started spotting slate!
My son, the whole time hunting for coins, we worked our way down a hugely steep hill. I was tickled to see the sheer quantity of slate all along the path, even integrated into walls built to line the path.
The steep path was lined with slate. The wall was built with slate, with moss and lichens. The dry creek bed was filled with slate, leading to the larger stream that was lined with slate. I am scratching my head: I once knew that about this area. How had I forgotten?
We had a wonderful hike. My son found some coins. The weather here is still too cool for this time of year, though, and I am anxious for spring.

Spotted some really cool moss and lichens on various trees and rocks.

Finally found signs of spring. Have known this flower every spring here my entire life, and never knew what it was. Searching today on Google Images, I come to the conclusion that it is "Blood Root". Cool!
A tree that had fallen across the path has been cut to clear the way. My son noted that it had two cores, which means it was two trees that had fused together while they grew. (No photo. What was I thinking?)
Spotted this huge mass of blossoming moss! (above) Very Cool.
Below, my son examining the underside root structure of a fallen tree. Amazingly, the upturned roots have pulled with them huge quantities of shale/slate!
Sat down on a fallen log to tie my shoe, only to find that I shared my log with an acorn desperately trying to become a new tree. I freed it from it's location on the rotting tree trunk, and tossed it to a spot where it might be more likely to take root!
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