S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant and
T - Timely
I don't have all my goals honed adequately that they are stated in a "measurable" format, but here are goals I have for 2017:
- Weight loss goal: lose 20 (more) pounds.
- Menu-planning goals: plan and prepare six to seven healthy meals per week for my family and post these plans to my blog each week;
- Spiritual: this year I'll be working to regularly read, pray, journal and worship privately and corporately;
- Exercise: I am planning to try to get exercise 3-5 days per week;
- Nature study: I'll be continuing my bird watching. I think I should start a nature study journal of the birds I see starting this year.
- Homeschool: the plan this year is to finish 11th with a credit in Geometry, to take Spanish 1 and Sociology 100 at the community college in the Spring 2017 semester, and to take Spanish 2 and ENGL 210 in the Fall 2017 semester. I'd like the student to take a summer computer course, but I don't know if that will happen. As he rolls into 12th Grade, the student will be taking a Bible course at home, as required by our umbrella school (with which he'd like to participate in graduation)
- Boy Scouts: encourage my son to do his Eagle project, paperwork, Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review to achieve Eagle rank (he has to finish this as he is "aging out" this year (old photo below);
- CAP: I'll be encouraging the cadet to get some flights in and to continue to work on advancement;
- Decluttering: not stated measurably, but it is my goal to declutter this year as if we were moving in one year (which we're not, but that's the goal);
- Sewing: make pajama pants I promised to my adult daughter (long overdue);
- Quilting: finish the quilt I've been working on for 18 months and start a new quilt.
- Crafting: I plan to continue crafting for my favorite charity, Online Angels, out of Pottsville, PA (I usually make baby hats, booties, and various other items like slippers and totes).
I think I'll be reading more this year as well, but I'm not going to set a goal. I've just started a book my father-in-law loaned me.
What are your goals this year?
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