First, though, on Sunday we celebrated a late "Christmas" get together with my brother's family. Did I even think to take a single photo? ::sigh:: No. I need to do better and remember to take photos.
Monday was "New Year's Day Observed", so hubby had the day off. We got the Christmas tree taken down and got all of "Christmas" stored and put away. We got things cleaned up and got our normal decorations back in place and re-established our household "normal".
Tuesday it was pouring rain, but it was basically the first regular day of the new year, and it was time for me to get back some routine. I started the day by going to the gym. I also got to the gym on Thursday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday works better for me, so I'm going to try to do that schedule next week.
It rained again on Wednesday, and we got light snow on Friday and Saturday. Thursday night the student and his dad attended their Civil Air Patrol meeting, and Friday night we had our church small group meeting ("Care Group").
During the week the student did some Geometry. He also spent time preparing for the Math Accuplacer test.
The student, a Life Scout, also began work to get his Eagle Project rolling. At one point he was considering a renovation project at the building where our Boy Scout Troop meets, but this project just wasn't something that his heart was in. In the fall he had met with a representative from our county's Park and Planning Department and had discussed a reforestation project at a local public park area. Basically there is an area that used to have a hiking path. The path was rerouted, and the county wants trees planted in the area where the path used to be. My son always liked the idea of this project and is back in contact with the County representative to get the project going.
The representative has let our Scout know there is work to be done, however the Scout is not clear yet if the reforestation project is still available or if the project will be different. There were other projects discussed -- projects related to creating new sections of the hiking path. This is not what my son wanted to do, but he will probably prefer an outdoor project with the county over an indoor renovation project. So for now he is waiting to hear back from the County.
While the Scout waits, he is working on Eagle Scout Project Proposal paperwork. It is a good exercise in reality, having to work through the planning, proposal and paperwork. He needs to create the proposal and get lots of different approvals before the Project date. The target date is February 25 -- cold, but not muddy. This is work that can be done in winter, weather permitting, but can be bumped to March if necessary.
As we launch into 2017 Week 2, the young man will be continuing to work on Geometry, Accuplacer Math Test Preparation and Eagle Scout Project preparation. His spring college courses begin on January 23. We are encouraging him to go for his Driver's License before classes start, but he is not in a hurry and we're trying not to push him too hard.
The snow is lightly falling, and the birds are enjoying the bird feeders. We've got dark-eyed junkos, house sparrows, Carolina wrens, song sparrows, downy woodpeckers, cardinals and tufted titmouses feasting in the snow. And I need a nicer camera...
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