In April I learned I would be part of The Typing Coach review.

Individuals on this review received a one-year subscription to The Typing Coach Online Typing Course.

When I first learned about this vendor as a possible review, I immediately went to the website to learn more. I was intrigued by this opportunity to have access to this program. When I was in high school, I took typing class two years in a row. Not everyone did this back then, but I was on a study track to be a secretary (I also took two years of shorthand!).
As a parent, homeschooling my children in a digital age, I have been painfully aware of the typing method I have seen my children using. They have never taken any typing courses, and have become proficient with some odd form of two-to-four finger typing, looking at the keys.
The Typing Coach is aware of this shortcoming in the education of today’s students. It seems they are being thrown in front of a keyboard and being required to type without any actual typing instruction. This is resulting in students who slowly two-finger type themselves through essays and reports as best they can in a manner that is not quick or proficient. Eventually they graduate high school to become college students who two-finger type their way through college assignments and term papers, or they attempt to go out into the job market and try to compete for jobs against other individuals who may not be so slow. This is a very real difficulty with today’s students. Hoping my son would benefit from this program, I requested to be part of the review.
I received my email with instructions on how to set up my account. After I got our account set up, I received a “Thank You” email with a link to a “Thank You” page with links to the Main Page and the Log In page. The program always logs me out if I don’t log in on my own, so I always end up on the log in page anyway! Once logged in, you are directed to a page with instructions labeled “Making the Complicated Simple”. From this page the student has access to all the lessons.
The Introduction has a video tour through the course that I found is on YouTube, so I can share it with you:
Beginning with the introduction, the instructions are laid out for two methods: 1) the student is going through the material independently, or 2) the student is part of a class with a teacher. Theoretically my son is going through with me as the teacher. As the teacher I began by watching an introductory video on how the program works. There are papers to print out so the student can type through the lessons without looking at the screen. My son was right at the end of some intense school courses, and I quickly realized I needed to be the student for this review. My son types so fast with his four fingers that it is going to be hard to get him to be willing to learn how to touch type anyway! I still hope I can convince him, but for now I am the student.
Each lesson is taught through instructional videos with optional audio lessons. I liked using ear-buds to listen to help me focus. I found the course to be well laid out.
After the initial speed base-line test the student is the
student is taught the importance of posture. Already this is a
difficulty. I do most of my keyboarding sitting in a recliner. To
keyboard at the dining room table is not comfortable because it is too
high. When I was in high school we had special typing desks that were
ergonomically the right height for typing. My kitchen desk used to have a
keyboard desk that was below the desk, but it broke. I have no
solution. I had to move on.

Next the student is introduced to the home row, taught how to locate it by touch, which key is under each of the four fingers on the left and right hand, etc.
The student is given lines to type and practice before moving on. It is all laid out perfectly, and just the way I was taught. The program introduces a few letters, gives practice, gives a few more letters, a little more practice, etc.
Using this method the student first learns home row, practices, learns top row, practices, learns bottom row, and lastly learns the number. It is made very clear the student shouldn't move on until the student has achieved mastery. Ever and always the student is encouraged to practice, practice, practice. Since the student should not move on before mastery, the time require for the course will vary with the student.
As we have only had the course for about five weeks, few review students will have completed the course for the review. I am not a good example as I already knew how to touch type correctly. Some students might take nine weeks to complete one lesson per week (Intro plus eight lessons), but some will take more time and some will take less time.
I found this course to be just what I was hoping for. I highly recommend the course paperwork, when printed out, be put into a 3-ring binder to keep them organized. I didn't do that yet and my papers are now disorganized. With that as my only recommendation to improve my experience, I highly recommend to you The Typing Coach Online Typing Course. I think you'll like it.
Other Members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed this product. To see more reviews of The Typing Coach please click the button below.

Next the student is introduced to the home row, taught how to locate it by touch, which key is under each of the four fingers on the left and right hand, etc.
The student is given lines to type and practice before moving on. It is all laid out perfectly, and just the way I was taught. The program introduces a few letters, gives practice, gives a few more letters, a little more practice, etc.
Using this method the student first learns home row, practices, learns top row, practices, learns bottom row, and lastly learns the number. It is made very clear the student shouldn't move on until the student has achieved mastery. Ever and always the student is encouraged to practice, practice, practice. Since the student should not move on before mastery, the time require for the course will vary with the student.
As we have only had the course for about five weeks, few review students will have completed the course for the review. I am not a good example as I already knew how to touch type correctly. Some students might take nine weeks to complete one lesson per week (Intro plus eight lessons), but some will take more time and some will take less time.
I found this course to be just what I was hoping for. I highly recommend the course paperwork, when printed out, be put into a 3-ring binder to keep them organized. I didn't do that yet and my papers are now disorganized. With that as my only recommendation to improve my experience, I highly recommend to you The Typing Coach Online Typing Course. I think you'll like it.
Other Members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed this product. To see more reviews of The Typing Coach please click the button below.

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