Homeschool Rescue was created by fellow homeschool mom, Heather. Heather is just another imperfect homeschool mom, and she wants to help other moms survive their decision to homeschool rather than turn in the towel and give up.
Homeschool Rescue contains five modules which are broken into a total of twenty lessons (not including Module introductions), and there is a Bonus section. You yourself decide how quickly you will go through the course, but in general the Lessons are designed to be completed at the rate of one Lesson per week. There is also an available schedule to complete the program in 60 days. As with so many items we review, the time I had to work through this program was not enough to finish it, so I will relate my impressions based on what I covered.
The lessons in Homeschool Rescue have assignments, and for some families the assignment might say, "If this is your situation, stop and address this issue before you continue on to the next lesson." Heather addresses serious blockbuster family issues, such as marital problems and/or physical or learning disability issues you might be facing.
So many of these lessons slow me down. I need to take time to seriously evaluate my answers to the homework questions and determine if and which changes I need to implement in my situation. And for me these processes were slow, and time-consuming. It is not that easy, for instance, to evaluate my commitments and determine, prayerfully, if changes need to be made. And if it is decided that changes need to be made, sometimes we need to let a certain commitment period conclude as opposed to being able to just informing someone that we can no longer do a certain activity. For instance, you might be able to inform a play group that you need to stop participating immediately, but you might need to finish your once-a-month Sunday School teaching commitment in June before you stop teaching.
It can be okay to move on to the next lesson while you are still working these things out. For instance, completing the lesson on "Just Say 'No!'" can help you strengthen your resolve to follow through on ending commitments you have decided you need to discontinue.
In many ways, Homeschool Rescue is a breath of fresh air and self-forgiveness. One message is that no matter how you got into a difficult situation (use the example of having fallen way behind in a key subject like Math, for instance), the point is not to point the finger and place blame. The point is to recognize where you are, assess, make a plan, and move forward to remedy the situation. Many times we, as home schooling moms, can be very hard on ourselves.
Homeschool Rescue is empathetic, yet practical. The program makes realistic suggestions and recommendations that can be implemented in your home to help you and your familysurvive thrive! So, Momma, take a deep breath, grab a fresh cup of hot coffee, find a few quiet moments when the kids are quietly busy, and plug yourself in to Homeschool Rescue via your ear buds. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family!
I also want to take a moment to tell you about the Bonus section of Homeschool Rescue. In this section you will find access information for the Members Only Facebook page. You will also find an Accountability Pack with Student Checklists. And best of all, there are ten Ultimate Planner options: eight which are titled "Style 1" through "Style 8", with a 9th titled "Day on a Page" and a 10th titled "Monthly View".
My favorite planner is Style 7. I like the way it has columns for each day of the week and rows in alternating shading to make it easier to track across the page and keep your place. I also like the way it has certain chores in the right column where you can check the chore off when it has been done each day. The planners are PDFs. My suggestion for improving them would be to make them "typeable" planners. That way you can enter some of the information before printing the planner out, like days of the week across the top, subjects down the side, dates, and maybe even specific assignments. Typing is easier than printing by hand, and with it typeable one could even use it right on the computer and not print it out at all, or print when each week has been completed to keep as a permanent record.
If you are tired and discouraged and feeling overwhelmed, before you give up on homeschooling please consider investing in Homeschool Rescue. It can help you make some repairs and positive changes. Another schooling option might still be in order, but other changes might still be the first step you should take.
You can follow Only Passionate Curiosity on their social media platforms below:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/opchomeschool
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/OPChomeschool/
Hashtags: #hsreviews #homeschoolrescue
Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed Homeschool Rescue. To read other reviews of this product, please click the button below to go to the link-up page for these reviews.
The lessons in Homeschool Rescue have assignments, and for some families the assignment might say, "If this is your situation, stop and address this issue before you continue on to the next lesson." Heather addresses serious blockbuster family issues, such as marital problems and/or physical or learning disability issues you might be facing.
So many of these lessons slow me down. I need to take time to seriously evaluate my answers to the homework questions and determine if and which changes I need to implement in my situation. And for me these processes were slow, and time-consuming. It is not that easy, for instance, to evaluate my commitments and determine, prayerfully, if changes need to be made. And if it is decided that changes need to be made, sometimes we need to let a certain commitment period conclude as opposed to being able to just informing someone that we can no longer do a certain activity. For instance, you might be able to inform a play group that you need to stop participating immediately, but you might need to finish your once-a-month Sunday School teaching commitment in June before you stop teaching.
It can be okay to move on to the next lesson while you are still working these things out. For instance, completing the lesson on "Just Say 'No!'" can help you strengthen your resolve to follow through on ending commitments you have decided you need to discontinue.
In many ways, Homeschool Rescue is a breath of fresh air and self-forgiveness. One message is that no matter how you got into a difficult situation (use the example of having fallen way behind in a key subject like Math, for instance), the point is not to point the finger and place blame. The point is to recognize where you are, assess, make a plan, and move forward to remedy the situation. Many times we, as home schooling moms, can be very hard on ourselves.
Homeschool Rescue is empathetic, yet practical. The program makes realistic suggestions and recommendations that can be implemented in your home to help you and your family
I also want to take a moment to tell you about the Bonus section of Homeschool Rescue. In this section you will find access information for the Members Only Facebook page. You will also find an Accountability Pack with Student Checklists. And best of all, there are ten Ultimate Planner options: eight which are titled "Style 1" through "Style 8", with a 9th titled "Day on a Page" and a 10th titled "Monthly View".
My favorite planner is Style 7. I like the way it has columns for each day of the week and rows in alternating shading to make it easier to track across the page and keep your place. I also like the way it has certain chores in the right column where you can check the chore off when it has been done each day. The planners are PDFs. My suggestion for improving them would be to make them "typeable" planners. That way you can enter some of the information before printing the planner out, like days of the week across the top, subjects down the side, dates, and maybe even specific assignments. Typing is easier than printing by hand, and with it typeable one could even use it right on the computer and not print it out at all, or print when each week has been completed to keep as a permanent record.
If you are tired and discouraged and feeling overwhelmed, before you give up on homeschooling please consider investing in Homeschool Rescue. It can help you make some repairs and positive changes. Another schooling option might still be in order, but other changes might still be the first step you should take.
You can follow Only Passionate Curiosity on their social media platforms below:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/opchomeschool
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/OPChomeschool/
Hashtags: #hsreviews #homeschoolrescue
Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed Homeschool Rescue. To read other reviews of this product, please click the button below to go to the link-up page for these reviews.

The process was slow and time consuming for me, as well. I spent a lot of time on some of those first areas, really thinking, praying, and writing. But it was needed and good. This is a strong course and I have been enjoying it, even with all the hard work. - Lori