Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Menu Monday for 3/27/17

Well, I've put this off long enough. My "guys" are back from Arizona, and I can no longer live off of freezer leftovers. The men require real meals. So I have put together this plan for the rest of the week.

I call myself "Primarily Paleo". My normal eating avoids grains and processed foods. What I post no longer may look that way to the reader... My men aren't following my diet, so I serve three-part meals of which I usually eat only protein and vegetables. When I eat starch, it is usually the healthiest choice: brown rice, root vegetables, whole grain, unprocessed.

Well, here's this week's plan:

Saturday (3/25):  leftovers

Sunday (3/26):  leftovers

Monday (3/27) (Boy Scouts):  leftovers

Tuesday (3/22) (Sr. CAP Mtg.): chili, salad, corn bread

Wednesday (3/23): sizzleburgers, green beans, noodles

Thursday (3/24)(CAP): roast chicken, broccoli, rice

Friday (3/25):  spinach pie, salad, rolls

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