This paint set was sent to us by The Pencil Grip, Inc.
The Kwik Stix arrived, and I was so excited! My student, a 16 year old boy, is not easy to excite, though. Not rude, but his initial reaction was sort of, "Whatever..." Kwik Stix is a solid form of tempera paint that dries in 90 seconds -- a really wonderful concept!
We found some time and I set him up to give the Kwik Stix a try. He found them fun! He created a mountainscape with a lake and trees, and images reflecting off the water.
When I first learned we would be reviewing Kwik Stix, I had visions of numerous reproductions of famous works by various painters.
(Reproduction of The Scream by Edvard Munch, 1893)
I love Van Gogh, and had visions of reproductions of Starry Night, or that one of Van Gogh's bedroom, whatever its name is, or one of his self-portraits. The fact is, though, these wide stick paint sticks don't lend well toward that type of creation. It is difficult to see where the paint will go -- you don't have the control of a paint brush.
I also thought about creations of nature study.
Kwik Stix can create nice art, but I needed to change my thinking from "Art" to fun. I mean, it's still art, but my brain was on Rembrandt and Audobon. While you can overlay colors to create effect, you can't really blend colors to create new colors. I substituted orange for spaces I had hoped to have tan, so I guess it didn't turn out too badly. Kwik Stix does come in a package with more colors, so that is the way to solve that dilemma. My Kwik Stix 12 pk came with white, black, brown, red, yellow, orange, dark blue, lighter blue, dark green, lighter green, dark purple and pink. I was also sent an additional sample Kwik Stix sample stick, but it was a duplicate of a color I already had (dark blue).
In addition to the Kwik Stix 12 pk I was sent a pencil grip to try and comment on. I knew in advance that it would be included in our package. My son had been observed in the past holding his pencil incorrectly. I had purchased pencil grips and instructed him on their use. At that time, however, he had taken my instruction as a personal insult and had refused to use the pencil grips I had provided. So it was my plan to keep this pencil grip for myself to use and comment on. When my son and I opened our package from The Pencil Grip, Inc., I drew his attention to the Kwik Stix in the package. My son surprised me, though, when he picked up the pencil grip and said, "What's this?"

I was again surprised as he listened attentively as I explained that sometimes children don't hold their pencil properly, and these pencil grips are used to help one hold the pencil properly. I was again surprised as he picked up the pencil grip, looked me in the eye and said, "Can I have it?" So I let him have it. He stuck it on his pen and began using it. During the review period the pen with the grip would surface occasionally, but I didn't get a photo of it. Right now I don't know where that pen is. I know the grip is blue. He likes it!
I received an email today from the vendor giving me craft ideas for using Kwik Stix for making Mother's Day cards and balloons. They invited me to share the project ideas with you. You can see the directions here.
Kwik Stix 12 pk is suitable for early elementary (visualize a red house, black roof, on green grass, white sidewalk), middle elementary (pictures becoming more complex - flowers with petals, oceans with ships and birds), middle school and up. Each student will develop their style based on their age and their skill.
In summary, art supplies can fall into two basic categories:
- Supplies the kids can access without permission and use without supervision (paper, crayons, colored pencils, construction paper, safety scissors, glue sticks, etc.), and
- Supplies the kids need permission to get out and supervision to use (paints, sharp scissors, white glue, messy supplies).
Kwik Stix fall into the first category. It is always nice to have an activity box the kids are allowed to take out and use without permission and with minimal supervision. Kwik Stix are safe for this box for most kids! We like Kwik Stix! They get our "Two Thumbs Up!" seal of approval!

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