Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Wrap Up - 6/13

On Saturday Miner worked with his Boy Scout Troop to help a Scout complete his Eagle project at our local state park. I was able to get photos of the Scouts as they ate lunch after completing the project.

Well, as Monday rolled around, it seemed Miner had checked out his brain some days ago, having thought that the public schools had already let out for the summer and that I was just torturing him with unwanted extra days of school. But public school's last day was today, so I finally realized what he thought and explained truth to him, and he did his best to settle down and work.

On Monday I had my portfolio review signed off. Now I just need to copy it and get it mailed. Also on Monday Miner's Scout Troop held their Court of Honor. Miner received advancement to the rank of Star Scout.
He also received his merit badges for Forestry, Astronomy, and Personal Fitness, and is owed the merit badges that he earned for Communications and Geology.


Tuesday night Miner worked with the cub scout pack where he is serving as Den Chief.

This week we pretty much hung Algebra I up for the summer. We have been working on Veritas Press's Omnibus I (Primary), as well as Moving Beyond the Page's units for Age of Discovery and Einstein. These are pretty amazing products. In Omnibus I we just finished studying Genesis. In Age of Discovery we are reading about Newton. And in the Einstein unit we are reading Einstein Adds a New Dimension. We've been reading about Marie Curie and Poladium and Radium this week.

So, not a day by day account, but that's our week at a glance. We will be continuing school through the summer, but only an hour or so a day, mostly reading. So, tell me about your week.

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