Winter Weather Walk (Outdoor Hour Challenge)
and Chickadee Study part 1
Composer Study: Mendelsohn
The Pentagon and the Capitol Building
Chickadee Study, part 2
Twig Study (Outdoor Hour Challenge)
Mullien (Outdoor Hour Challenge)
Artist Study: Caspar David Friedrich
Nature Study: Moon
Field Trips: Nasa Goddard, Greenbelt, MD
and an exhausting ice skating trip...
Warm weather has arrived early; home schooling at its best:
Nature Study: Cherry blossoms and crab apples:
Nature Study: the turtles are hatching in the creek! A baby snapping turtle and a baby red slider (sorry about the blurry photo)
Needs no explanation...
Field Trips: Mt. Vernon
and Baltimore Zoo:
My 2nd homeschooled student graduates college!
Nature Study: Stink Bug:
Nature Study: 2nd Snapping Turtle! We didn't get too close to this one...
My son likes to hang out at the creek a lot... I guess that's why we have so many studies there...
My son begins to make things to enter in the County Fair in 4-H.
Independence Day:

The ribbons are from a previous year. And the projects pile up...
And we learned that Aunt Debbi has Stage V Breast Cancer... :( ...and she begins to fight it...
Last minute projects for the Fair...
And then the awards are given... here are a few examples of his awards. Oops! Wrong year! Where are my photos of this years projects? I have no clue.

First day of School
Nature Study, in which we find a "Wheel Bug". Experiment result - they do not eat worms.
Field Trip: C&O Canal
Homeschooling in flannel jammies -- that's part of why we homeschool, right?
Boy Scouts extended hike and sleepover on the C&O Canal.
Thanksgiving of course.
Boy Scouts work at Antietam Battle field, putting out illuminarios for the annual lights to remember the fallen in our nation's deadliest-ever battle. And a cold night's campout.
Nature Study: Birds
There are so many more things we did. I had blogged it once, but blogger ate it. This one turned out different, but nice. Also check my pages above for more things related to this year. Thanks for reading.
To read more Crew Blogs where we look back over our year go to the Schoolhouse Crew Review Blog.
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