A glimpse into our Charlotte Mason homeschool life, with a touch of FlyLady, seasoned with menu plans, and spiced with product reviews.
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Friday, April 29, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Products We Are Currently Using in our Homeschool

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Greemu - A Schoolhouse Crew Review

The name "GREEMU" comes from combining "Green" with "Emu". GREEMU is for folks who are looking for a "green" alternative to emu oil, since emu oil comes at the demise of a beautiful emu! So GREEMU is a product made entirely from plant extracts, with the goal of replicating the beneficial aspects of emu oil.
I received a 4 oz. bottle of GREEMU for purposes of review. I approached the product as one who has never used emu oil, so I cannot review from the perspective of that comparison. My thoughts on using GREEMU were these:
- After a long, dry winter, my shaved legs were dry and flakey and needed help.
- The product I have been in the habit of using is not natural and I wanted a natural product for my skin. It's not good to moisturize with Capric Triglyceride, Dimethicone, Octyldodecanol, Petroleum, etc. You get the idea.
The first day I just slathered the GREEMU on. Couldn't hurt, right? Well, it left my skin oily. User error. So on day 2 I read the directions. "Apply 3 drops at a time over small areas." Oh. Oops! So from then on I was a little less liberal.
So what did I think? Well, by the end of the first week my legs were thanking me! No more crocodile scales! Amazing! No more dry itch! Happy customer here! This is a product I will use 'til it is gone!
So next you ask, "Any complaints? Anything you would suggest to improve the product?" Well, yes, actually...
1. I'd like it if there were a cleaner way to dispense the oil. I found this bottle style messy -- the oil got on the outside of the container, dripped onto my sink from the bottom of the bottle. Not very clean.
2. I'd like it if the label were easier to read. I didn't initially follow the directions because I didn't see them. Once I found them, I could barely read the tiny pale gray print on the white label. I tried to photograph it, but my iPhone couldn't see it either. Since it didn't realize there was print there, it didn't focus, and the label photo was a blur. I'd much prefer larger, dark black print that I can read.
Overall, though, I love my GREEMU oil. I used GREEMU on my legs, but there are many potential uses. When I was a kid, I used to get alligator elbows - this would be good for that. When I was older I used to get calloused knees (housework kneeling). GREEMU would be good for that. You can also use it lightly on your hair to relieve dry hair. It can also reduce split ends, and can be used as a conditioner to make your hair manageable. GREEMU protects your skin, so would be good to use on dry hands. It can reduce wrinkles, so is good for face and neck. Sounds like there are many more ways I can try it now that I have decided I like it.
The main place I use a petroleum-based lotion daily, at this point, is my feet. I guess I'll try replacing my non-natural foot lotion with GREEMU next.
Other members of the Review Crew also reviewed this product. To see other product reviews, please click the button below.

Monday, April 25, 2016
Menu Monday for 4/25/16

Saturday (4/23):
B: Blueberry morning
L: Salad
D: dinner out
Sunday (4/24):
B: spinach omlette
L: leftover salmon, sweet potato and green beans
D: rotisserie chicken, [Lipton's noodles,] veg medley
Monday (4/25):
B: blueberry morning
L: black beans and rice
D: cheeseburgers, carrots, [French
Tuesday (4/26):
B: oatmeal and berries
L: green salad, avacado
D: beef pepper stir fry, brown rice
Wednesday (4/27):
B: spinach omlette
L: Green smoothie
D: turkey culets, spinach, [noodles]
Thursday (4/28):
B: blueberry morning
L: green salad, avocado
D: chicken Caesar salad, [TX toast]
Friday (4/29):
B: oatmeal and berries
L: lentil soup
D: French bread pizza, salad (I'll either splurge and eat it or will eat leftover beans/rice)
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Church Guest Speaker

Monday, April 18, 2016
Menu Plan for 4/18/16

Here's my menu plan for the week:
B: Blueberry morning
L: Salad
D: ravioli, sauce, salad, TX toast
Sunday (4/17):
B: spinach omlette
L: lentil soup
D: beef enchiladas, tostitos, salad
Monday (4/18):
B: blueberry morning
L: green salad, avacado
D: pan fried chicken, rice, broccoli
Tuesday (4/5):
B: oatmeal
L: Green smoothie
D: black beans and rice
Wednesday (4/6):
B: spinach omlette
L: leftover valenciana
D: spaghetti and meat balls, salad, TX toast
Thursday (4/7):
B: blueberry morning
L: green salad, avacado
D: tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches
Friday (4/8):
B: oatmeal
L: lentil soup
D: salmon, green beans, sweet potatoes
Monday, April 11, 2016
High School Diplomas for Home Schoolers - A TOS Crew Review

Today I get to tell you about a really cool product! Back in February I learned I would be one of the Schoolhouse Review Crew members who would be reviewing the Exclusive High School Diploma for HomeschoolDiploma.com.
The Crew doesn't have all that many graduating Seniors available, so to get enough families to do this review they had to expand their offerings. The review was available for anyone who graduated anywhere from 2010 to "will graduate" in 2018. My son will graduate in 2018, so I was eligible!
HomeschoolDiploma.com was also super kind to the Crew. While they hoped to get a large number of reviews of the Exclusive High School Diploma, they gave us the freedom to order whichever diploma we preferred. For my son I ordered the Vintage-Style High School Diploma with Embossed Seal and 8.5" X 11" Deluxe Cover. This was a little more expensive than what we were offered for review, so I paid the difference, but I didn't mind. I'll tell you exactly why...
Many decades ago, my husband and I graduated high school in the same same state my son will graduate in (as did my father as well). Here are pictures of our diplomas:
So, with tradition in mind, I thought, "How cool would it be if I could provide my son with a nice diploma similar to his dad's and mine!"
When you go to HomeschoolDiploma.com to order your diploma, you need the graduate's full name and a specific graduation date. You choose from a selection of seals to emboss the diploma with. I chose a round, gold seal for the diploma itself, and what looks like a coat of arms for the padded cover. I chose this seal for the cover because it most resembled the seal on my husband's and my diplomas. Then there were other decisions to make about how many signatures there would be, etc.
Then it was time to wait for the diploma to arrive. It did not take long, and I was not disappointed! Here is the diploma my son will receive in 2018:
Excellent product! And so similar to the one issued by our state, right down to the taffeta interior (amber on my diploma, white on my son's). I'm very pleased! We hit a couple of bumps in the road on my order, but the HomeschoolDiploma.com
Customer Service quickly and professionally resolved my issues.
HomeschoolDiploma.com is a division of Cornerstone Graduate Supply, Inc. They carry a wide variety of things that can make high school and graduation special. They carry high school rings -- oh I wish I could get my son a high school ring!

HomeschoolDiploma.com sent two samples with my order they wanted me to tell you about. The first was a navy tri-folded graduation announcement:
The second sample they sent was a graduation invitation. It was really nice, like a wedding invitation. First, there were "graduate" return address labels:
Then the back of the envelope was sealed with a beautiful "2016" sticker.
Then the invitation was an envelope inside an envelope, like a wedding invitation would have.
Then, when you opened the tri-fold invitation, it contained a card with directions to the graduation party after the ceremony, and an inserted card for the attendee to show to get into the event.
All of the products produced by HomeschoolDiploma.com are very high quality. I am really pleased with what we received. I think you will like their products, too! So if you have a high school student in your homeschool, go look at what HomeschoolDiploma.com has to offer now so you can set some money aside and plan to buy some graduation items that will make their homeschool graduation a very special memory! I really can't wait for the day when I will present my son with his homeschool graduation diploma!
Other members of the Review Crew also reviewed this product. To see other product reviews, please click the button below.

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