We've come to Friday. It's been a long time since I did a weekly wrap-up, so I thought I'd start the new year with a wrap-up.
We've just come to the end of our winter break. We've taken off since before Thanksgiving, except for Algebra. Continuing in Algebra has been good. J-boy is really starting to understand isolating the variable and various other functions. Hopefully our break since before Christmas won't have been too detrimental. As it is, we're way behind the "normal" schedule. I haven't figured out yet when we're likely to finish for the year; that is yet to be calculated.
So, I'm refreshed for the new year, but not very prepared to restart. I have some papers that still need to be corrected, and some items I need to look at in advance of doing the material, but we'll get there. I'll try to give a report at the end of Week 1 next Friday.
I love reading about a week in other homeschool families. I always start the school year doing Homeschool Mothers Journal and then end up dropping it. I really need to pick it back up. Visiting from the Crew. I'm going to browse around - love Charlotte Mason, have a friend that's gone vegan and so I'm trying some recipes now and I got a Boy Scout. (AdenaF.com)