Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rule 32 - George Washington's Rules

George Washington's Rules #32 states:

32ndTo one that is your equal, or not much inferior you are to give the chief Place in your Lodging and he to who 'is offered ought at the first to refuse it but at the Second to accept though not without acknowledging his own unworthiness.

This rule would have been more applicable in the 1700s. In those days, when a group stopped at a place to get lodging, it would usually be a facility with a number of rooms, but nothing like a motel or hotel nowadays. Within the lodging there would be one room that was the best.

Rule 32 states that you should defer, and offer your companion (of equal or slightly lessor station) the choicest room in the facility. Your companion would, out of courtesy, refuse the offer, but he should only refuse once, and when refusing he should acknowledge his unworthiness. Then you would insist, and he would take the room.

Courtesy and ettiquite were certainly different then, weren't they?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Last Monday in February Menu Plan

Last week the family really enjoyed the recipes I prepared from Trim, Healthy Mama, so with confidence I roll into another week of THM recipes for our evening meals. Last week I had forgotten we weren't eating at home on Friday, so Friday's plan got bumped to Saturday, and Saturday's plan got bumped to Monday. So anyone who notices a repeat meal, that's why. It got bumped.

Here's the plan:

Cheddar Broccoli Soup (S-p335) [rolls]

SUNDAY (2/23)
Corned beef and Cabbage (p312), leftover broccoli [potatoes\

MONDAY (2/24)
Chicken stir fry (S-p342), veggies medly [rice], cauliflower "rice"

TUESDAY (2/25)
Easy (fantastic) meatloaf (p317) [mashed potatoes], mashed cauliflower, long green beans

Spinach bacon quiche (p319) [rolls], salad

Spinach lover’s italiano chicken (314) [spaghetti], spaghetti squash

FRIDAY (2/28)
Creamy mushroom pasta, salad [Texas toast egg noodles]

Baked chicken thighs (p322), broccoli [rice]
  The bracketed food are for my family but are not THM foods for that meal.

My breakfasts are alternating between oatmeal with frozen blueberries and bacon and eggs, with "Big Boy Smoothie" ever on my mind but not getting made much.

My lunches are alternating between cottage cheese/apple salad, deli lettuce wraps, and dinner leftovers, with Whey smoothies on my mind but... not getting made much.

I don't snack much, but I really enjoyed the THM smoothie I made last week with Almond milk, cocoa powder, blueberries, strawberries, whey, and ice. Yum!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

President's Day Week - Wrap up

 Homeschool Mother's Journal Link Up
Monday was President's Day, and we opted to take the holiday, so yet again we had a short week. Miner had the opportunity to share lunch and a movie with some other hope schoolers, so that was fun for him. We were expecting a new refrigerator to be delivered at the same time, so that's what I was doing Monday. After dropping Miner off with the group I came home and emptied the fridge into tote bags, which I then stored outside on our back deck, which was conveniently refrigerator temperature. Then the new refrigerator arrived, was installed, the old one removed, and I spent the next hour putting all the food into the new refrigerator. It's real nice. The old fridge was in this house when we moved in 15 years ago, and was two or three years old at that time. The ice maker had stopped working correctly long ago, and lots of plastic parts were cracked and broken. Hubby opted for a nice replacement fridge. Hopefully it will be a nice selling point for the house when it is time for us to relocate, when hubby retires. In the meantime I get to enjoy having the nicest refrigerator I've ever had! 
I sure try to be content, but I really love it when God blesses us abundantly every now and then. After the fridge arrived and Miner got home, we went to the Scout Store to get some supplies.  

Tuesday we opted to focus on Boy Scout Merit Badge work, working on reading part of the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge booklet, the Communications Merit Badge booklet, and the Citizenship of the Nation Merit Badge booklet. We also attempted to begin work on some of the requirements, but didn't finish anything that could be checked off by the Merit Badge Counselor. I also set up a notebook of the three Merit Badges to prepare Miner for the Merit Badge University at Catholic University Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday and Thursday were good, solid academic days with work on Bible, Algebra, Literature, History and Science, as well as Physical Fitness. I think we did Bible all five days. 

Friday started with finalizing preparations for Merit Badge University, and then was consumed by errands - haircut, dentist, allergy shot...

Saturday and Sunday were Merit Badge University. Miner worked on Emergency Preparedness, Communication and Railroading Merit Badges (last minute change).

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Valentine's Day Snow, Week Review

This was definitely an interesting week. And the snow fell. Shovel. And the snow fell. Shovel. Repeat.
Homeschool Mother's Journal Link Up
We started the week strong, but we got snowed out. What can I say. Even home schools sometimes need to take a snow day. We got 15" of snow at one storm, and local regulations require that we shovel walkways within 24 hours. Besides, the boy wanted to play in the snow. How can I fault him for that? How often do we get this type of snow? How long will he be a kid?

All snow aside, how did my week go... 

Regular daily Bible readings, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, but none Thursday and Friday.
Monday we reviewed two tests (yeah, I failed to review the other one with him two years ago). Then a lesson on Tuesday and one on Wednesday.
Hmmm... We don't do Science every day, and except for watching the bird feeder we did not do any Science this week. I did some parent work on Super Charged Science, though, and we'll be starting a section about meteorites on Monday. After that we'll be working on the sixteen important things about Science that every child needs to know, in Unit 0.

Social Studies:
So, the thing is that Miner wanted to study the Middle Ages. I remembered that when we were using Ambleside Online I had noticed a series by Winston Churchill in the required reading, and I own the series. So, just for fun I pulled out book 1, The Birth of Britain, and began reading it to Miner. He just loved it!

So, my brain again churning. We abandoned America the Beautiful because he hated it. He told me he wants to study the Middle Ages, so I pulled out Tapestry of Grace, Year 2. One or two bad weeks proved he/we would still never be able to keep the pace set by that curriculum. And I pull out a reading assignment from Ambleside Online, and he is once again loving something that we do for school. So naturally, where I go from here is...

Once again I am scrambling to continue with Ambleside Online as our curriculum. We've lost some time, but I'm just going to skip some of Ambleside so that I can jump in where we are, which is approximately where we would be now if I had never switched out. So, here we are. I am working on lesson plans so that on Monday we plug in at Ambleside Online, Year 6, first week. 
Language Arts:
Miner did some work out of Bridgeway English (9th grade grammer). We did some reading from Loefwine the Monk. Miner listened to Arabian Nights on Librivox. Miner also worked on his Spanish on Mango Languages.

I guess this didn't happen this week.


Phys Ed:
Miner continued to work on his Personal Fitness Merit Badge for Boy Scouts.

No work this week.
Projects I am working on....
I have been crocheting 12" squares to donate to my charity.

I am working on improving my house with the Motivated Mom's program. Some days are better than others. Decluttering, towards that 2014 items in 2014, but I should post that in a different post.

Places we are going and people we are seeing.....
Big even of the week was probably the allergy shot. I know, right? Well, hubby and I ordered a new refrigerator that will arrive on Monday. Will have to post that photo next week.


Late Again! Menu "Monday"

It's so sad that I'm late again... I mean I did this like Friday or Saturday but never created the post. So here's my week's plan, very heavy in the Trim Healthy Mama plan, with carnivore additions in brackets.

THM Bolonaise sauce, spaghetti squash, salad [spaghetti, bread]

SUNDAY (2/16)
Pot Roast (S-p310), asparagus, cooked cabbage [mashed potatoes]

MONDAY (2/17)
Bacon/cheddar quiche (S-p319), spinach, [rolls]
TUESDAY (2/18)
Alfredo Chicken (S-p315), green beans, cauliflower [egg noodles]

Cheeseburger Pie (S-p326), salad, [chips]

Italian Chicken (E-p313), quinua [rice]

FRIDAY (2/21)
Cheddar Broccoli Soup (S-p335), salad, [rolls]

Chicken stir fry (S-p342), veggies (pea pods, broccoli, celery, green onion, mushroom) [rice]

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rule 31 - George Washington's Rules

George Washington's Rule, Rule #31 states:

31stIf any one far Surpasses others, either in age, Estate, or Merit yet would give Place to a meaner than himself in his own lodging or elsewhere the one ought not to except it, So he on the other part should not use much earnestness nor offer it above once or twice.
I believe "except" is an error on ol' George's part, and that the meaning intended would be the word "accept". I believe he is making the point that someone in a position of respect, one that "far surpasses others" in age, estate or merit (as would have been determined by the rules of the English aristocracy of the time) might deferentially defer honor people attempt to bestow upon him, but that you should not accept this effort. That individual, on the other hand, also should not attempt to push off the honor more than once or twice.

So if the group was trying to permit the honored individual to sit in the seat of honor, or to give him the best room at the inn they are stopping at, or whatever, he might say, "Oh, no! No! No!", but those around him should understand that he is just being polite and should insist and persist until the honored man accepts the fine honor they were attempting to bestow upon him.  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

FTF - Valentines Day - Sale Started - Platinum Package $57

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The Tragic Tale of Aunt Ida

My great grandparents, Carl Konrad and Kristiana L. (Bergan) Holien had eight children. The children were:
  • Agnis (1894);
  • Cliffert Tiller (1898);
  • Ida M. (Mae?) (1899);
  • Harold E. (1902);
  • Martha (1904);
  • Theodore (my grandfather) (1905);
  • Mildred (1907); and
  • Nellie (1909).
Carl and Kristiana were both born in Norway, but immigrated to the United States at some point.(My records don't indicate whether they met and married here or whether they married there and immigrated as a couple.) All of their children were born in North Dakota, where Carl and Kristiana lived until their deaths. Carl is buried in Cando, ND.
Ida was 3rd born, and did not find a beau as she reached adulthood. She needed to find a way to earn money, a job of her own. Records do not indicate why, but she apparently relocated to Spokane, Washington to live and work. The only information I have to go on is her Spokane, Washington death certificate, and the story my grandmother told me.
I thought I had a good story to tell here, but the information just doesn't line up. Keep in mind that Ida would have been my grandmother's deceased sister-in-law whom Gram may or may not have ever met. It was a close shave, but from Gram's "memoirs" I'd say Gram met the Holiens after Ida's demise. Here is the story Gram told:
Ida, as a 19-year-old, had acquired a job as a seamstress at a shop in town. She worked long hours, and winter days were short--daylight fled quickly. Each day ida and the other girls (I thought Gram said Ida's sisters, Agnis and Martha, but that doesn't seem likely since this was in Washington, not ND) would walk to town early in the morning and walk home after dark. There was no electricity, and one would generally carry a lantern with a candle, or a kerosene lamp, if one could afford such luxuries, but Ida probably had a candle-lantern.
Tramping miles through the snow, the girls did not notice that Ida had strayed from following them. She got separated from them, got off the correct path, and could not find her way. The path she was following crossed a river or lake, or some other deep body of water, and as she crossed, the ice broke and she fell in.
The girls heard her calling for help and ran to try to find her. They could not find her. They ran to get additional help, but Ida could not be found. She died in the cold water, either of the cold or by going under the ice and being drowned.
Now where the story does not line up is that I have found her Death Certificate on, and it is dated 23 July 1919. July. On thinking this over I have come to conclude that the story could still be true. From personal experience I have learned that Death Certificates are dated the date the dead body is found, not the date of the probable death.
So the tragic tale of Ida M. Holien, my great aunt, is that at the tender age of 19 she lost her way when walking home from work in the cold, snowy winter, and fell through the ice and lost her life. 
Even sadder (I know I am not supposed to use the word "sadder", but will anyway) is that deaths of this type still happen. This winter, near where I live, some kids were crossing a drainage pond and the ice broke and the 12-year-old girl went under the ice and was not found in time and died. So sad.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rule 30 - George Washington's Rules

George Washington's Rules for Civility and Decent Behavior - Rule #30 states:

30thIn walking the highest Place in most Countries Seems to be on the right hand therefore Place yourself on the left of him whom you desire to Honor: but if three walk together the middest Place is the most Honorable the wall is usually given to the most worthy if two walk together.

The ettiquite of the 1700's continues to strike me as new and odd. So the person of most importance, it seems, would walk to the right when two were walking abreast. So if you wished to honor someone you would walk on their left. If three walk together, the center is the place of honor. The statement that if two walk together "the wall is given to the most worthy" refers to walking on a sidewalk with a road on the left and a building on the right, the wall of the building is the place where the most honorable person would be walking.

Once again, George Washington's Rules reflect the way things were in England, before the United States was a free nation, where different people had different stations and places of honor in society, and you needed to learn the appropriate behavior for all the different settings.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2/10/14 Menu Monday

I forgot to post this yesterday! Where was my head. ::sigh:: Here you go:
Minnesota Wild Rice Soup, salad, rolls

SUNDAY (2/9)
Flank steak, butternut squash, steamed cauliflower

MONDAY (2/10)
Roast chicken, broccoli, rice

TUESDAY (2/11)
Ham steak, green beans, yams

Cheeseburgers, salad

Pan fried chicken, brussel sprouts, stuffing

FRIDAY (2/14)
Ribs, slaw, rolls

Spaghetti, salad, bread



Sunday, February 9, 2014

Another one bites the dust! (Another week, that is)

Another week done of the school year. How did you do at your house? Here's how we did at mine.
Homeschool Mother's Journal Link Up 
My student had a conversation with older sibling, who reads this blog, and my student felt that I was not using an appropriate degree of tact with some of my posts. Student also wishes to be known, hereafter, by the code-name "Miner", related to his love of playing Minecraft. So be it. I will be going through my history, as I am able, to alter all entries related to Miner to change entries to reflect his chosen code name, as well as to make sure I am speaking about him with adequate tact so that he does not have to be embarrassed if he gets into a conversation with someone who has read the blog entries. So that was the first new thing this week (last week end).
Still in the throes of winter, I stumbled across this awesome video of 30 porpoises beached, being saved by the people on the beach. Awsome!

All in all, we had a very good school week, academically speaking. I wish I felt free to have a good week "Charlotte Mason-speaking", but I feel bound by the regulations in my state regarding home schooling. ::sigh::

Regular daily Bible readings, but no school Friday (for all subjects) because Miner and I are both sick.

We were able to do a lesson-a-day together, except Friday (sick). It is with a sigh of relief that we move into equations involving greater than and less than (that I don't know how to do the symbols of), such as: (the square root of x-2) , x - 4 - solve for x (where you have to square both sides to solve the "less than" than value of x). Don't try to solve that one -- I don't know how well it solves since I pulled it out of the air, not out of my book. (We're using Horizon's Algebra I.)

Since we weren't making any headway in finding a different Science to be working on, I have gone back to working on Apologia Physical Science with Miner. I find the content, actually, to be quite challenging. It demonstrates why we are doing upper level lmath, because it is necessary in scientific conversions and all that. Yesterday's experiment and write up was regarding cubits (length from elbow to tip of fingertips) and inch (lenght from tip of your pointer to the next knuckle), and measuring the dining room table's length and width in cubits, and then converting it to inches. At one point, even with a calculator, the converted width was coming up as twice the length. I think Miner forgot to hit "Clear" between equations. 

We've had a lot of great bird feeder activity going on here this week! Hairy woodpecker doesn't want his photo taken.

I also had a group of starlings hit the feeder yesterday, but I didn't get the photo. Lots of chickadees and house sparrows, cardinals and titmouses, house finches and some mourning doves, dark-eyed junkos and at least one white-breasted nuthatch.

Social Studies:
We are working our way through Geography. This week we were looking at the way the world looks globally - the seven continents, the four oceans (that are actually all one big ocean), the seas, rivers and mountains. We looked at plate techtonics, and how the continents look like they may once have all been one great land mass. We watched part of the "debate" between Ken Hamm and Bill Nye (The Science Guy), but when we learned that it would not be following normal debate format we decided not to continue watching. It was formatted for each to present their side's perspective for 30 minutes. I didn't have that type of attention span than night, let alone Miner.

Language Arts:
Desiring to be able to give Miner credit for 9th Grade English, we have picked Bridgeway English back up to work on. He took a test in it (that I haven't graded yet). I also located the IEW writing workshop that he and I will watch together next week. We have been working our way through Arabian Nights stories, as well as the book Loefwine the Monk, and we started Men of Iron.

Miner had begun January with a preference for studying French (probably influenced by watching Dr. Who), but has again veered back to a preference for Spanish. Since I currently have the flexibility to permit him to study either (or both), I was fine with that. My goal is that he learn a foreign language, and that he do some work on it daily. He did a really good job at it this week.

The folk song for February is "Wade in the Water". We listened to it, but Miner didn't like it. It could have been the version that he found on YouTube was too depressing, or the song in general just depressing, but I let him turn it off.

Minecraft art drawings this week, nothing of particular note. No photos. I need to work on having photos to include in my weekly summaries. But frankly, I just don't feel well today and don't have the energy to bother about that right now.

Phys Ed:
Miner continued to work on his Personal Fitness Merit Badge for Boy Scouts. This involves running (can be running in place), sit ups, push ups, various stretches and strengthening, pull ups, etc., for 12 weeks.

Regular discussions about health issues. Miner recently took a one-day course for his First Aid Merit Badge that I might not have remembered to list when he did it in January. That counts, right?

Projects I am working on....
I am currently working on crocheting an off-white baby hat to donate to my charity, Online Angels, in Pottsville, PA.

Places we are going and people we are seeing.....
Between sickness and precipitation, just hunkering down. Come, Spring! Quickly! (Someone shoot the ground hog, please!)

Things I am cooking..... 
Made chili last night. Tonight will be French Bread Pizza. I started Minnesota Wild Rice Soup, but lost my momentum and put it away to do later. I also made chocolate chip cookies. I don't have my meals for next week planned yet.

Things I am reading....
It came! It came! I'm up to chapter 6.

Well, I need to go rest and get well. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

29th Rule (George Washington's Rules)

The 29th Rule from George Washington's Rules for Civility and Decent Behavior is:
29thWhen you meet with one of Greater Quality than yourself, Stop, and retire especially if it be at a Door or any Straight place to give way for him to Pass.

Now I again consider that George Washington came up with these rules when he was 10, at a time when one's social standing was what it was, and was not affected by character or hard work. That was an entirely different time and a different way of thinking than our present time.  

The way I would apply Rule 29 to the present day would be to defer to scripture, Romans 12:3, where Paul urges each man not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, (NASB), and Philipians 2:3 which says: [Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but] with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; [4]do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

So, basically, my application of Rule 29 is that we should treat others with respect, deferring to them, and treating them the way that we ourselves wish to be treated. (Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. The "golden" rule.) 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's a Wrap! (End of January)

In my life this week....

Let's see... Monday my student, the Boy Scout, received his rank advancement to 1st Class as well as merit badges for 1st Aid and for Plumbing. Way to go, son!

My camera focus let me down on the second one, where he was awarded with a 1st Class Neckerchief.

Wednesday we made the long trip to the Orthodontist. Wires and donuts on the boy's braces were replaced. Next trip he is hoping to lose the palatal expander.

Friday was my son's allergy shot. The weather was so mild that I took off my coat and set it on a chair. Unfortunately it was still sitting on that chair when they closed for the night. I never even missed it (until I went to go out that night and couldn't find it). Fortunately I was able to pick it up this morning (Monday morning).
 In our homeschool this week.....

Very good school week, in the subjects we focused on. Am working on some organizing in several subjects so that our schedule flows more smoothly. Am also hoping my student will be more independent at times if the schedule is written down. We're working towards getting him high school credit in English and Math this year (as an 8th grader), and he is motivated to see that happen. 

Projects I am working on....

I have been working on the quilt for my son that was started by Nana. She did all the piecing and began hand quilting it.  At some point she realized that she would not be able to finish hand quilting it, and she asked me if I thought I could get it done. She passed away almost a month ago. I didn't finish it while she was alive, but I have no experience quilting and am learning as I go. I am making good progress and look forward to the day I will be able to show you the finished product. But, for now, here's what it looks like:

 Places we are going and people we are seeing.....

Muh.... I'm kind of hunkered down because of the weather. I go out when I have to. Today I went and got my coat from the allergist, picked up some lab work from a doctor, and since I was out got some caffeine beverage from a local well-known establishment. Now I'm watching the birds on my bird feeder during my lunch hour, and hoping my feet will hurry up and warm up. My shoes are probably wet. It was raining/sleeting/snowing while I was out (in shoes instead of boots). It has settled down to a sleet/snow now. Not going anywhere else today if I can help it. Not until our Boy Scout meeting tonight anyway. The rest of this week my calendar is clear for me to stay home until I go out to someone's house on Saturday.

Things I am cooking.....

Some ingredients for chocolate chip cookies are hiding in my kitchen...

Dinners every night...

Minnesota Wild Rice Soup for sure...

and that's about it. 

Things I am reading....

I have too many books in the hopper, including some fiction, some religious, and some for personal fitness and personal growth.

Pictures from our week.....
Other than the Court of Honor and photos I am taking of old photos, most other photos right now have been of birds at our feeder.