This was definitely an interesting week. And the snow fell. Shovel. And the snow fell. Shovel. Repeat.

We started the week strong, but we got snowed out. What can I say. Even home schools sometimes need to take a snow day. We got 15" of snow at one storm, and local regulations require that we shovel walkways within 24 hours. Besides, the boy wanted to play in the snow. How can I fault him for that? How often do we get this type of snow? How long will he be a kid?
All snow aside, how did my week go...
Regular daily Bible readings, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, but none Thursday and Friday.
Monday we reviewed two tests (yeah, I failed to review the other one with him two years ago). Then a lesson on Tuesday and one on Wednesday.
Hmmm... We don't do Science every day, and except for watching the bird feeder we did not do any Science this week. I did some parent work on Super Charged Science, though, and we'll be starting a section about meteorites on Monday. After that we'll be working on the sixteen important things about Science that every child needs to know, in Unit 0.
Social Studies:
So, the thing is that Miner wanted to study the Middle Ages. I remembered that when we were using Ambleside Online I had noticed a series by Winston Churchill in the required reading, and I own the series. So, just for fun I pulled out book 1, The Birth of Britain, and began reading it to Miner. He just loved it!
So, my brain again churning. We abandoned America the Beautiful because he hated it. He told me he wants to study the Middle Ages, so I pulled out Tapestry of Grace, Year 2. One or two bad weeks proved he/we would still never be able to keep the pace set by that curriculum. And I pull out a reading assignment from Ambleside Online, and he is once again loving something that we do for school. So naturally, where I go from here is...
Once again I am scrambling to continue with Ambleside Online as our curriculum. We've lost some time, but I'm just going to skip some of Ambleside so that I can jump in where we are, which is approximately where we would be now if I had never switched out. So, here we are. I am working on lesson plans so that on Monday we plug in at Ambleside Online, Year 6, first week.
Language Arts:
Miner did some work out of Bridgeway English (9th grade grammer). We did some reading from Loefwine the Monk. Miner listened to Arabian Nights on Librivox. Miner also worked on his Spanish on Mango Languages.
I guess this didn't happen this week.
Phys Ed:
Miner continued
to work on his Personal Fitness Merit Badge for Boy Scouts.
No work this week.
Projects I am working on....
I have been crocheting 12" squares to donate to my charity.Places we are going and people we are seeing.....
Big even of the week was probably the allergy shot. I know, right? Well, hubby and I ordered a new refrigerator that will arrive on Monday. Will have to post that photo next week.
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