- Bible;
- Geometry;
- English 102;
- History 114;
- Astronomy; and
- Spanish 101.
He will be taking the last four subjects at the community college through the dual enrollment program, two classes per semester. I don't have those assignments yet, but I have been working to enter the plan for Geometry. Bible we will enter as we do it. The college assignments I will enter when they are available.
I'm entering the Geometry plans in pencil in case we have trouble keeping up with the schedule. Entering the college assignments will help me assist my son in knowing what is due when, as he adjusts to taking two college courses.
I haven't always succeeded in getting my planner set up in advance, or in staying with my planner the whole year through. I hope to do better this year. I've already decided when school starts, where we will take holidays and break weeks, and when the year will end.
The Hey Mama! planner starts with Calendar pages from July 2016 to June 2017, followed by 36 weeks of planner pages. These are followed by monthly goals sheets, sheets for semester goals and year goals. There is an Attendance Chart, which I love. There are sheets to record books read. There are curriculum planning sheets, and a page where you can create a Homeschooling Contact List.
All the above is followed by pages of writing prompts and story starter ideas, followed by information pages about the original thirteen colonies, a timeline of inventions, a page on the Presidents and their wives, information on the branches of government, states and capitals, and a section to help you create an academic transcript.
Throughout the book there are inspirational messages and snippets of information about items in the photo on the front cover of the planner.
This is what I can't live without this year. What is there in your homeschool that you can't live without this year?
My son is slowly starting to use the planner for himself, it gives him accountability and sometimes he can work through... now to get him to actually WRITE in it himself... but it's a work in progress..