Monday, August 22, 2016

Menu Monday for 8/22/16

Fair week is behind us. We have one week between fair and the first day of school. This week will be spent doing some neglected housework and some lesson planning.

Speaking of planning, the days go most smoothly when the dinners are planned and the shopping has been done. Because Saturday was the last day of fair and Sunday was "pick up" day (pick up your entries), the meal plan is late and the shopping is being done Monday. Some weeks are like that. Some of last week's meals didn't get made, so I bumped them out to this week.

So here is this week's plan:
Saturday (8/20):   leftovers

Sunday (8/21):  Rib eye steak, Caesar salad

Monday (8/22): Easy Mediterranean Bake

Tuesday (8/23): Cabbage Beef Skillet

Wednesday (8/24): Seven Layer Green Salad  (S)

Thursday (8/25)(CAP): cheddar, bacon and veggie frittata

Friday (8/26): Dinner out

Saturday (8/27):  Lentil Soup with Cauliflower, Potatoes and Spinach, salad, whole grain bread (Forks Over Knives, page 103)

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