Today I would like to introduce you to MarshMedia
a company that produces health education products mainly for use in
schools but would like to reach out to the homeschool community.
This is a company that streams puberty education videos, as well as health and other videos. These videos are already used in public schools but are now being offered to home schoolers through their Homeschool Special.
There are so many ways I could start this post. I think I'll start by telling a bit of my own story. In my childhood I was child number six of seven children in a "yours, mine and ours" family. That means the oldest three were from my step-dad, the next three were from my mom and biological dad, and the youngest were from my mom and step-dad. I did not experience the male puberty experience of my brothers. My step-brother married before I moved in. I was oblivious to what went on with my older biological brother. My younger half-brother was nine when I married.
As a parent, I started with two girls. When they were 13 and 10 years old, we welcomed a son into our family (with a big gap between kids). So, as this son aged, there was a lot I did not know about male puberty.
As my son entered early stages of puberty, there were so many things going on, some related to puberty and some just behavioral. I had no experience with male puberty and was not easily able to understand (let alone explain to my son) what was going on in his body. I could have benefited from Marsh Media puberty education materials as much as my son! In addition, the Marsh Media health videos would have been so helpful when we were having behavioral issues! (I speak in past tense because at this point my son is almost 18 - basically an adult.)
As my son entered those early teen years, I had no idea the struggles he was beginning to experience as a result of hormonal changes. In addition, as I was trying to require washing of hands, regular showers, hair cuts, shaving, cleanliness, etc. he was giving me a lot of push-back. I had similar issues with exercise, food and nutrition. He had developed bad eating habits and did not want to change. If I had been able to incorporate Marsh Media videos, each of these issues could have been addressed in a way that would have appealed to my son. So as I reviewed videos from the Marsh Media video library, I was viewing them on my own. For any parent who decides to subscribe to Marsh Media, I still recommend using this method -- watch the videos on your own first.
The video library contains videos on puberty, health and nutrition topics (and more). I started my investigations with puberty videos. There are videos for male puberty and videos for female puberty. Within that there are different videos for different ages. I focused on male puberty videos, and I think I watched all the different age-range videos offered.
I was glad I was alone, listening on ear buds. I found the content embarrassing. That doesn't mean it is bad or wrong, it just means this content can be embarrassing. I decided that if I had been sharing these videos with my son I would have also made sure he had privacy and ear buds to watch the videos. I think he would have found the content very helpful! But I would have been very glad we home-schooled! I would not want my son studying puberty education in a class room setting. I don't think that would have been comfortable for him.
I also watched videos on nutrition and health. If my son, at age 12, had watched a Marsh Media video on the importance of a daily shower, I think the message would have been better received. I think this is also true of the other lessons in the various videos such as the importance of wearing deodorant, and the importance of washing hands after using the bathroom or before preparing food.
When I first learned Marsh Media was available to review, I wasn't going to volunteer to be a part of the review. I am glad I changed my mind. I am really glad I learned that these materials are available for me to recommend to my fellow home schoolers who are not as far along in the journey as I am. The Marsh Media video library is a resource I can confidently recommend to you for the health and puberty education of your children.
Marsh Media has 59 videos available. I have NOT watched them all. They are offering a special offer to home schoolers to start a subscription to Marsh Media that will cost $50 and will give access to all 59 videos until 12/31/17. The method of access takes a little getting used to. Once you are subscribed, each video that you want to view needs to be "rented" by applying a discount code you are given. If you wish to take advantage of the opportunity to introduce the MarshMedia curriculum to your home schooler(s) click on the link below for more information:
Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew also reviewed Marsh Media. To see other product reviews, please click the button below.

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