From 6/26/16-7/3/16 my son (and hundreds other young men and women) attended CAP Tri-Wing Encampment in Aberdeen, MD.
Check-in was hot and sweaty in BDUs with a large duffle and additional uniform wear on hangers.
Our cadet checked in, and we said our good-byes. As the week progressed, Tri-Wing posted hundreds of photos to their Facebook page. We pieced his week together through the photos, and occasionally spotted him in those photos. The week began with orientation. We see the back of our son's head on the front row.
Here he is again, 5th face from the left.
The cadets were split into Flights - my son's Flight was called Foxtrot. (My son is hidden - he is under the star in the photo below.)
Mornings began at 0-dark:30 with room inspections followed by PT.
Days were filled with book work/study, physical training, volleyball and lectures.
A highlight of the week was riding on a Blackhawk helicopter!
They drilled to parade at graduation. Graduation was 7/3.
My CAP Senior went to the graduation in his blues as well.
My cadet had a great time, but was very happy to be finished to come home and recuperate.
sounds like a great time away for him. Lots of work, camaraderie and more :)