So, looking back over my posts in June, I'm seeing I am a demonstration of big plans, little action. I'm going to have to take things in smaller bites if I want to get thins done.
So, JDs fair projects so far... things he's gotten done that will be able to be entered in 4-H:
- chocolate chip cookies, no nuts -- in the freezer ready and waiting;
- pencil drawing, if/when we get it properly mounted...
- he had done another marker drawing, if I can only find it...
Our 4-H club has also been working, meeting once/week for two hours. We have the following entries getting ready for entry:
- Club banner;
- Community Service cookie basket;
- Community Service theme gift basket;
- Community Service educational gift basket;
- Christmas ornaments
- we might manage to enter what is called a "Shoebox Float"
- and we'll be able to submit a Community Service garden variety basket (tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, onions, peppers, that sort of thing.)
- We will also enter a "walking unit" in the 4-H Parade (that is to say our club will walk in the parade).
I'm hating the whole photograph/download to computer/ add to blog photo/post to blog thing. I really need to get over that cause blogs are so much nicer with real photos. I'll work on it, okay?
I, personally, also like to work on items that I enter of things I make myself. This year, so far, I am working on the following:
- chocolate chip cookies, no nuts (in the freezer);
- chocolate chip cookies with nuts (in the freezer);
- sewing: baby booties (see below with crocheted hat and booties);
- sewing - slacks, still need elastic in waist band.
- crochet: baby set: hat, sweater booties;
- crochet: baby booties;
- crochet: baby hat;
- knitting: hat;
- latch hook: rug;
- needlepoint: need to make it into a pillow;
- cross-stitch: three completed projects that need to be mounted.
- sewing: stuffed plush rabbit;
- sewing: teddy bear;
- crochet: market tote bag
So, hope you enjoyed the photos! I love comments.
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