Well, not as much homeschooling today. Got up this morning and did other stuff all morning figuring I'd homeschool in the afternoon. Gave dd#2 a ride to co-op, then came home and ate breakfast, cleaned up the sink, made the bed, spent some time on the computer. DD got a ride home from co-op with someone else (yea!) so I didn't have to go out to get her. Had lunch, did some wiping down of furniture made dusty by our renovations (power sander on spackled walls). Cleaned out the tadpole's habitat. Cleaned up and spent time on the computer again. Trying to do HTML programming on another other blog.
1:00 came and it was time to take DD#2 to her job. Went out the the van. Remembered that the tire pressure warning light has been coming on, so I walked the perimeter of the van and found a basically flat tire! Was probably quite low when I went out this morning, too, but that was only a 1 mile round trip.
Called my daughter's employer (a friend), and she came and picked daughter up. I asked her to follow me so I could drive up to the gas station (3/4 mile away), but after 50 feet or so I decided the tire was too low now to do it. She left. I kept trying unsuccessfully to get ahold of hubby, figuring he might want to come and help me during daylight rather than put it off until tonight. (He works 3 miles away.)
Noticed my neighbor outside, so I called over to him. “Hey, Jimmy… Do you by any chance have an air compressor?” Turns out he does! It's a small one; he bought it for inflating bicycle tires, but it did the trick! He inflated my tire sufficiently, and also was able to determine that I had gotten a screw embedded in my tire! So now I was able to drive up to my local service station. They were able to take me right in. They inflated the tire the rest of the way, pulled the screw, plugged the hole, and re-inflated (as air had escaped when the screw came out). All this while my son, JD watched.
Then after they were done, JD was able to get some questions answered about what is this hole here for? (disposing of oil after an oil change) How about those over there? (That's where the gasoline tank trucks pump the gas that comes up to the gas pumps to fill the car.)
So can I count that as school for today? Between that and the time we will read to him tonight, that is fairly substantial… I gave him the A Beka phonics worksheet for the day, but he isn't quite grasping the concept of marking the vowel with the mark to indicate it is making the long vowel sound…

Have a great day!