Monday, August 5, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week, my son and I went to Boy Scout Camp!

So, the books stayed home, except for the Boy Scout Handbook and the binder where the blue cards were stored.

We arrived Sunday and set up camp. I took pictures; really I did. But did I think to take a photo of that excuse for a tent that I stayed in for a week? Not one sample photo. The tents were basically canvas, 6' high at the center, 4' high at the sides, hanging down straight on the sides. The left and right flaps could be tied back front and back of the tent. There were no screens, no zippers, no floor. There were wooden "flats" under the cots, to elevate them above the ground by about 3", which was good since when it rained there was a stream flowing through my tent!

Sunday, after eating dinner, we prepared for evening activities. The night began with an assembly on the parade ground, followed by a flag ceremony. 

From there we went to an opening campfire where they entertained us and told us about the camp and things that could be done. Unfortunately, we (JD, myself and another scout) had been seated over a hornets' nest. JD got stung. Evening cut short.

Each day, Monday through Friday, the boys had merit badges they were working on during four sessions, one hour per topic. JD worked on Swimming, Archery, Pioneering, and First Aid Skills. He earned merit badges in the first three.
 And the weather was COLD. Notice the jackets. I am amazed at the boys who swam, earned Swimming Merit Badges, etc. I was seldom seen in shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

I thought it was funny to stumble across this cot in the woods. This was the type of cot I slept on.
It rained Wednesday night during dinner. We all huddled under suspended dining tarps. Unfortunately, they collected water. Two of them collapsed, one on me. I got soaked.
The boys working on Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and First Class had some of their classes at Braddock's Brigade. That's where JD was working on First Aid Skills for First Class.
 JD did not work on canoes or sailing, but I thought these were great shots, not to be missed.

To demonstrate his lashing skills, JD created a tripod for drying clothing. It worked well for towels, swim trunks, and clothes that got wet from the rain.

 We came home Saturday, so that was our week. Now it's your turn. What did you do?

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