Monday, February 27, 2017

Menu Monday for 02/27/2017

Another week! When it comes to meal planning, the weeks fly by so quickly (as in, "What? I have to plan more meals again?")

Saturday was crazy. We were out of meals and weren't ready to shop. We ate out. As far as weighing in at Jenny Craig, I've been skipping the weigh-ins for a couple of weeks. Last weigh-in was 149 (by my scale -- I'm not sure what it was on their scale), which is my lowest since long before my 17-year-old was born. I didn't weigh weekly because life was crazy, the weight was up and down, and I couldn't take the stress of seeing a higher number go down on my Jenny Craig records. (So far I have never had a weigh-in where I gained weight from the previous week. I did gain weight over Christmas, but I've lost that weight back off again.) So hopefully I'll have lost a little at my Thursday weigh-in, but I know I'm ready to seriously lose more weight again now, so I don't mind if it is up a few ounces. We'll have to wait and see how I do between now and Thursday.

So here is this week's plan:

Saturday (2/26):  Out (wings, fries)

Sunday (2/27):  rotisserie chicken, broccoli, mashed potatoes

Monday (2/28):  Korean Beef, rice salad

Tuesday (3/1):  baked chicken picatta, salad, noodles

Wednesday (3/2): chili, cornbread, salad

Thursday (3/3)(CAP): ham steak, scalloped potatoes, green beans

Friday (3/4):  dinner out

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